Built-in Context States:

πŸ”‘ Ethereum Provider

You can import theuseEthereumcontext within any page or component in order to globally manage the connected Universal Profile Browser Extension. Thesrc/contexts/EthereumContext.tsxcan:

Get the current browser provider

Connect and remove the Universal Profile

Act on provider or address changes

Toggle Web3 Onboard functionality

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€ Profile Provider

You can import theuseProfilecontext within any page or component in order to globally manage profile data from the Universal Profile Browser Extension. Thesrc/contexts/EthereumContext.tsxcan:

Retrieve and decode metadata of the Universal Profile

Store and update information based on provider changes

Optimize image selection and frontend rendering

πŸ•ΈοΈ Network Provider

You can import theuseNetworkcontext within any page or component in order to globally manage the network connection of the Universal Profile Browser Extension. Thesrc/contexts/NetworkContext.tsxcan:

Get the current selected network

Check if the network is supported

Switch networks or act on changes

Control related RPCs and IPFS Gateways